Tuesday, September 14, 2010


ALRIGHT. here's the first visit to our NEW spot that IS NOT lacking water. its a serious challenge getting to this spot.... definitely scuffed up my knees trying to get there.


well heres the intro movie to my spot... but we seem to be lacking water... which is kind of important to this study....

Monday, September 13, 2010


Welcome to my science project blog for the first semester of 2010! Through out the year I will be making periodic visits to a plot of land that I have picked out to just study certain things about the environment. Ill be taking pictures, making a few videos,  and updating hopefully once a week on this blog. We'll start with where this plot is. I'll put two maps up here for you to check out where it is in relationship to my school, and one thats from google earth showing you exactly whats at this place.